Thursday, April 19, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3: About expectations and disappointments

Everyday a new rumor appears, and also, nearly daily, a comment or a statement of a supposed Samsung employee or supplier is found in the big space of the net.

However, what are the dangers for Samsung and how it behaves, actually, with the expectations of the people?How strongly can Samsung profit from the topical hype, and do these advantages also rescue potential dangers?
Most people are inclined to it. The parallels of Apple shows us this. This simply serves to bring in the course of the rumour ladder much more easily, piling on many more features and aspects. This is owed to the imagination of the customers and the Bloggers who pay attention to the reader's figures. One outbids himself with rumours and a great feature follows the next one.

These are questions which I ask myself over and over again if I observe the permanent news abundance on the Internet. When does it come? How does it look? What is it able to do? What Software will be installed? Will it calm all the chaos? Hundreds of Blogs answer the questions every day, and here a danger presents itself: The imagination of the people.

rimless display

Thus the Samsung Galaxy S3 offers a display almost without frame according to the last days, an inductive loading possibility up to 2 metres, a ceramic case, a Super Special Amoled Ultra Retina 1080p Full HD Display and other features will follow during the following days.

However, what happens if the Galaxy S3 cannot fulfill these expectations? What is if the Galaxy S3 becomes "only" the hardware-sided best Smartphone?

Expectations that are too high can turn into fury, which then proves to be exceedingly counterproductive. I saw it with the iPhone 4S and the iPad 3. Both are brilliant products which have moved one step forward in comparison to their predecessors, but the rumour ladder was so active that Apple had no chance to fulfill the expectations. The result was reactions of complete disappointment.

Galaxy S3 with 3D display

Is an annual technical quantum leap generally necessary? Is it even possible? We require this year a 3D-display which is usable without glasses. Tomorrow it is a hologramme and the day after tomorrow the synthesis of synthetic and organic?

There is a point up to the technical progress which is worthwhile. One notices clear differences between Single and Dual-Core processors. I noticed a difference between my old HTC Desire and the Galaxy S2, but does one notice the difference in the everyday life except maybe in games, rendering of HD videos or studying of benchmarks?

Do we need a Quad-Core CPU or an advanced 1080p 3D Display in our smartphone, or are these only dreams of a gadget nerd? Please tell me what do you think or expect in the comments.

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